Thursday, July 30, 2009

Does plucking make facial hair grow back faster? Darker?

I need help :(

Does plucking make facial hair grow back faster? Darker?

I think soo..i wonder if thers a way to reverse..make hair go thin...that would be a good product.

Does plucking make facial hair grow back faster? Darker?

Plucking? Egad!

If you want your beard to come in thicker, the way to do it is to prime it. Shave every day for 2-3 weeks, whether you "need" to or not, before you start trying to grow the beard.

Does plucking make facial hair grow back faster? Darker?

That is a total old wives tale. It's all based on puberty. You don't have to worry about it growing any faster or not growing at all.

Does plucking make facial hair grow back faster? Darker?

Nope! But shaving will. For getting rid of hair, I recommend using a depilatory cream like veet (not nair though! nair's pretty harsh on skin, especially sensetive skin.)

Does plucking make facial hair grow back faster? Darker?

Yes, if you do it long enough it will. I had a couple little hairs on the side of my lip that I plucked for several months. They got darker so I started waxing. That made them darker and coarser. Eventually I tried electrolysis, but they were too strong for that. Now I just bleach and trim until I can afford to have them removed with a laser.

Moral of the story: Don't pluck, just bleach and trim.

Does plucking make facial hair grow back faster? Darker?

no... but shaveing it will!!

shaving stimulates the skin and stuff whick makes it grow back faster!!!...

Does plucking make facial hair grow back faster? Darker?

um..thicker i belive..but it takes it longer to grow...then shaving.

Does plucking make facial hair grow back faster? Darker?

yes it does. it makes it grow darker and longer

Does plucking make facial hair grow back faster? Darker?

Plucking will not make the hair grow back faster or darker. Shaving regularly seems to get the hair to grow back coarser, but not necessarily faster.

Does plucking make facial hair grow back faster? Darker?

my understanding is that, that is a myth

Does plucking make facial hair grow back faster? Darker?

Plucking makes hair grow back thinner and finer,shaving makes it thicker and darker

Does plucking make facial hair grow back faster? Darker?

As per old saying it is true.

Does plucking make facial hair grow back faster? Darker?


Does plucking make facial hair grow back faster? Darker?

i dont really think so...i pluck my eyebrows and i havent really noticed a diff....

Does plucking make facial hair grow back faster? Darker?

i don't think you should pluck. it will probraly make it thinner and lighter.

and don't shave. when i was younger....i shaved my arms because as a part of puberty.....i had a lot of hair on my arms. so yeah they grew back and ARGHH longer. but i let them grow and later now i don't even have them anymore. *shivers* can't forget the past....

Does plucking make facial hair grow back faster? Darker?

If you pluck, eventually it will grow in slower, and then not at all, at least in some places. For instance, if you pluck your eyebrows for years, less and less grows back each time. I don't think plucking will make a difference in hair color. If you're a woman, I suggest plucking those few stray hairs or eyebrows. For thick hair on your face, use nair or bleaching kit. If you're a man, the only way to get thicker hair on your face is shaving, and waiting until nature decides its time for you to have a beard.

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