Saturday, August 1, 2009

Can indians grow facial hair?

Do you mean Native Americans or people from India?

Can indians grow facial hair?


Can indians grow facial hair?

What a waste of a question, don't throw yor points away, give them to me!

Can indians grow facial hair?

why of course!

Can indians grow facial hair?

Indians and other middle eastern people often have an abnormal amount of hair all over their bodies, including faces. The hair grows almost on every part of their face.

Can indians grow facial hair?

yes they have eyebrows .

Can indians grow facial hair?

Are you kidding with this question?

Can indians grow facial hair?

Of course they can!!! And also on their heads.Under all those feathers in the movies you watch is actually HAIR!!!

Can indians grow facial hair?


Can indians grow facial hair?

no muslims out there all where wigs on their chin

Can indians grow facial hair?


Can indians grow facial hair?

I don't know what Narcissa means by 'abormal'. Indians, and often Arabs and Persians, tend to be hairier than (some) Europeans. They are definitely capable of growing facial hair. Of course the ability differs from person to person, so this is a generalisation, and everyone is unique.

Can indians grow facial hair?

WTF! im muslim don't got LOTS of hair at all i know an Italian chick who's hair all over and this white girl too but it was blonde but she was still's genetics to.

Can indians grow facial hair?

No one can grow it. Indian's hair grow of its own naturally!!!!

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